Notice and Agenda of Annual Parish Meeting followed by the 130th Annual General Meeting of North Rode Parish Council – 16th May 2024

Thursday 16th May 2024

at 7.30pm at Daintry Hall

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder.

Please note, that unless objections are received at the start of the meeting, it is intended to make a voice recording of the meeting in line with the recording of meetings policy.

Brenda Lomas
Clerk of the Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting – Agenda

  1. Welcome by the Chair
  2. Introduction of North Rode Parish Council Members
  3. Apologies for absence
  4. Presentation of the Chairman’s Report for 2023/24
  5. Questions and answers session

130th Annual General Meeting – Agenda

1.To receive apologies for absence.

  1. Public Participation
  2. To Elect a Chair and Vice Chair for 2024-25
    Nominations for Chair Seconded by…
    Nominations for Vice Chair Seconded by…

Chair and Vice Chairs to sign acceptance of office forms

  1. To receive any Declarations of Interest
  2. To review, approve and sign the minutes of the previous two meetings held on 11th January 2024 and an extraordinary meeting held on 22nd March 2024
  3. To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the meetings
  4. To discuss the upcoming D-Day80 celebration – 6th June 2024
  5. Planning Applications
  6. Planning Enforcement (the below to remain on agendas until resolved) –
    a) Tinker Bells Hollow, Bramhall Hill Lane
    b) Land behind Daintry Hall
    c) Creation of entrance to field on Church Lane above Rode Hall Farm
    d) Shellow Lane Lodges
  7. Highways – to discuss the following highways issues:
    a) Update on progress on traffic issues on Bank Lane /Church Lane
    b) Flooding / drainage issues on Bank Lane & Bramhall Hill Lane and drainage issues on Church Lane
    c) Gritting and Grit Bins
  8. Finance
    a) To approve the Audited Parish Council accounts
    b) Update and approval of expenditures
    i. ChALC membership
    ii. Zurich Insurance
    iii. Hire of Daintry Hall
    iv. Website hosting – Tech Division
    c) Discussion regarding any future expenditure – to include the parish council laptop
    d) On-line Banking for PC
  9. Parish Plan – including the recent training course attended by Councillor Evans and liaison with Marton Parish Council by Councillor Bailey
  10. Parish Council website – to include costs and upkeep
  11. Communication with Parishioners – Newsletter, Website, Facebook Page, Email Listing?
  12. Congleton Area Rural Parish Council Liaison Group – Report on activities
  13. How can we Improve our Parish Environs?
  14. Move from Gawsworth Ward to Sutton Ward – Implications
  15. Frequency of Parish Council Meetings
  16. Any other business
  17. To confirm the Dates of the Next two Meetings – Thursday 22nd August 2024 and tbc
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