Councillor Janet Hughes – Chairman
Councillor Georgina Bailey – Vice Chairman
Councillor Alastair Bayley
Councillor Huw Williams
Councillor Brian Evans
Cheshire East Councillor Lesley Smetham
Mrs Brenda Lomas – Clerk
Welcome by the Chairman
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. No members of the public were present. It was agreed that the Parish Council meeting had the required quorum of three Councillors and therefore decisions could be approved at the meeting.
Recording of the Meeting
The Chairman advised that the meeting would be audio recorded for the assistance of the Clerk.
- Apologies for absence
Councillor Jacqui Lea
Councillor John Narraway was not present at the meeting and had not submitted apologies for absence. Whilst it was recognised that he unfortunately has difficult circumstances to contend with at present, it was noted that he has missed a number of meetings and as such, regulations state that he should now stand down as a Parish Councillor. The Chair will write to him and express that his experience and input into the Parish Council have been very much valued and to advise that he can stand for re-election in May if he wishes to continue as a Parish Councillor. It was agreed that the Chair would formulate a letter and bring it to the next meeting for discussion.
- Declarations of Interest
Declarations were made from Councillor Hughes and Councillor Bayley in respect of discussions appertaining to the application for a Certificate of Lawfulness at Bank Farm, Bank Lane, North Rode.
A declaration was made from Councillor Huw Williams regarding the creation of an entrance to the field adjacent to his property. Councillor Williams had received a letter from CEC planning enforcement alleging that he was responsible for the land / construction of the gateway. He had responded by advising planning enforcement that they should check the land registry to obtain a definitive owner. It was noted that the Clerk had informed the planning enforcement department of the correct owner’s details at the time of forwarding the case – and it was therefore disappointing that the planning enforcement officer had subsequently incorrectly contacted Councillor Williams.
- Minutes of the previous meetings
Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2022 were agreed as a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chairperson. Councillor Lesley Smetham wasn’t present at that meeting as she was on holiday.
- ‘Actions’ arising from the last meeting on 8th September 2022
1. Clerk to pursue removal of Jeremy Howarth as a signatory of the PC account – clerk has tried but this is proving very difficult with the NatWest Bank. During the involvement with the Bank, the Clerk was advised that Councillor Janet Hughes, Chair, is not an authorized signatory. This came as a surprise as the Clerk and Chair had undertaken an ‘on-line’ application which appeared to confirm that Janet was a signatory. It was further noted that as a result, the bank had allowed a cheque for £2500 to go through the PC account with only the one accepted signatory i.e. the Clerk’s signature. The Clerk has lodged a complaint with the NatWest Bank business team and received a complaint form to complete and a new signatory form to re-attempt to get Janet authorized.
2. Chair to ask Lynn Petts to make an agenda item for their next meeting on 26th September 2022 – For the Daintry Hall Committee to discuss the issue of changing the village polling station back to the Daintry Hall from Eaton Village Hall. The Chair reported that Wendy, proprietor of the Daintry Hall Nursery, is happy to allow voting to take place at Daintry Hall in the future. The Clerk is required to write to Brian Reed / elections section of the CE Council to request that Daintry Hall is reinstated as a Polling Station.
3. Parish Council meetings to be held in Daintry Hall in the winter months to support the Hall but also as it will be warmer than the Church. The outcome of discussions with the Daintry Hall Management Committee is that the Daintry Hall Nursery prefer not to have the Parish Council meetings due to safeguarding issues and having to move and cover items. The Daintry Hall Committee members supported the Nursery’s decision. Councillor Bailey raised the point that perhaps the license / Daintry Hall agreement was being breached in that there was an understanding that village members could use the hall. It was agreed that Councillor Hughes should raise this point with the Daintry Hall Committee again..
4. Chair to attend a future CEC training session on Code of Conduct. – The session had been cancelled and is to be rearranged at a future date
5. Councillor Evans to attend the induction training for Councilllors on 22nd September 2022 – Councillor Evans advised that he had attended and found the course to be very helpful. From the information provided on the course, Councillor Evans wished the Parish Council to consider formulating its own Neighbourhood Plan – to assist for any future planning applications. Councillor Smetham advised that she felt it would be useful as when approved, it would then be written in to the C E Council’s Local Plan. Marton PC and Eaton PC both have Neighbourhood Plans. It was agreed that North Rode PC should consider this action. The Chair, Councillor Hughes, offered to look into what was required.
It was noted that Councillor Alastair Bayley still needs to attend the Councillor induction training course.
6. Clerk to make enquiries of planning enforcement re the status of the planning contravention on the land behind Daintry Hall. – Completed. A response has been received – see below under Planning Enforcement matters.
7. Clerk to submit a response to planning applications – 22/2289M – Star Business Park and 22/3480M – Keepers Cottage, Manor Park Road – completed
8. Councillor Williams to progress the local signs and decorative village sign and keep Councillors informed via email of the progress including the grant application – ongoing – see below under Highways Matters.
9. Councillor Hughes to ask Councillor Evans to work on the defibrillator proposal and report back at the next meeting on 8th December 2022 – completed
10. Clerk to invite Julia Short, PCSO, to the next PC meeting – Julia was invited but declined.
11. Councillor Williams to continue to work on all the leaks / drainage problems in the village and keep Councillors up to date via email – ongoing – see below under Highway Matters.
12. Councillor Hughes to research the cost of cherry trees, possible locations and protection of the trees whilst growing – to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee- with the help of Councillor Bayley and to keep the Parish Councillors informed on progress via email – see below under Finance.
- Planning matters
No new planning applications have been lodged
- 21/2617C Yew Tree Farm – Certificate of proposed lawful use for a single storey domestic outbuilding within a residential curtilage. No decision has been made by the Planning Department.
- 22/2340C Bank Farm – Certificate of proposed lawful use for a proposed single storey domestic outbuilding. No decision has been made by the Planning Department.
- 22/3066C Grange Cottage – change of use of agricultural land to an amenity area. This application was withdrawn by the applicants on 15th November 2022.
- 22/2289M Star Business Park – Warehouse – No decision has been made by the Planning Department.
- 22/3480M Keepers Cottage – Replacement dwelling – No decision has been made by the Planning Department
- Planning Enforcement – update
- Tinker Bells Hollow, Bramhall Hill. A watching brief will remain as regards whether the owner of the property returns to live in the mobile home. This matter will remain on future agendas.
- Land behind Daintry Hall – the Clerk had not received a response. Councillor Smetham had subsequently made enquires of CEC Planning Enforcement as regards the position of their enforcement action. A response was received in communication dated 17th November 2022 in which it was stated that a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) is currently being prepared for the mobile home and other issues on the land. It was agreed that the Clerk should send a further enquiry prior to the next meeting of the Parish Council.
- Creation of a new access gateway on Church Lane owned by Mr Mark Bullock of The Oaklands. Planning enforcement have advised that, as engineering works have been involved in the creation of this access i.e. the digging out of the land / soil removal – they had referred the matter to the Highways Department for their involvement. It was agreed that the Clerk should make enquiries with Planning Enforcement as regards an update in this matter – particularly in light of the fact that an approach had been made by them to a resident who did not own the land.
- Shellow Lane Lodges, Saw Pitt Wood – a possible breach of occupancy condition has been reported to Planning Enforcement by Councillor Smetham on behalf of a resident of North Rode. It is alleged by the resident that workmen / people are living in the lodges for significant periods of time in breach of the holiday use condition. There is also a condition that the lodges should not be used in January of each year. Andy Cush is the allocated Planning Enforcement Officer who will be looking into the case – reference no. 22/0080E.
- Saw Pit Wood, Shellow Lane (adjacent to Shellow Lane Lodges.) A report of trees being chopped down in Saw Pit Wood had been received but it was agreed at the meeting that there were no concerns as regards this activity.
- Highways Issues
- Update on traffic issues on Bank Lane / Church Lane
i) Councillor Williams had analysed the road traffic monitoring data provided by the Highways Department where they had compared road traffic movements on Bank Lane / Church Lane prior to construction of the Congleton Link Road to the traffic movements twelve months following the completion of the Link Road. The analysis clearly demonstrated and confirmed that a significant increase in road traffic movements in the village – including heavy goods vehicle movements – has resulted. Councillor Williams had sent his analysis of the data to CEC Highways. The Chairman thanked Councillor Williams for his work and excellent reporting on this matter.
ii) Councillor Williams had arranged a meeting with Rob Welch of CEC Highways Department on 21st October 2022 to discuss the traffic problems. Councillor Smetham and Brenda Lomas, PC Clerk also attended. The outcome of the meeting was that three actions were proposed :-
- New direction signs will be installed on the Link Road (as approaching towards Eaton) to direct traffic to turn right through Congleton town centre for access to Buxton. Following further discussion, consideration will also be given to including Leek on the signage.
- Unsuitable for HGV signs are to be erected at each end of Bank Lane and Church Lane.
- The highways team will explore the possibility of approaching the origins of sat nav – in an attempt to downgrade or remove Church Lane / Bank Lane to HGV’s.
iii) Cheshire Police have undertaken a half day of enforcement of HGV’s along Church Lane / Bank Lane. (breach of the 7.5ton weight limit restriction).Verbal warnings were given to HGV drivers using the route
iv) Councillor Huw Williams advised that as per the police’s instructions to the public – he had tried to lodge complaints on the police’s ‘on line’ complaint reporting system re HGV’s passing along the route. However, he found that if photographs aren’t submitted to support the complaint then the system won’t accept the complaint and it isn’t then formally lodged. Councillor Williams also found that there are three ‘branches’ within the police force who deal with different aspects of the traffic issues – and that they don’t always tie up. Consequently, Councillor Williams has made an arrangement with the Police that he will receive, collate and report all issues on behalf of all the residents of North Rode.
v) Councillor Williams has also written to the Congleton Chronicle with a report on the road traffic problems.
b) Signage for the Village
Historic Village sign – Councillor Williams reported that a 50% deposit has been paid to the sign company and that draft designs should be submitted to the Parish Council in January – at which time Councillors will need to agree the final design of the sign. Councillor Williams advised that there can be as many drafts of the sign as wished before it is finalised. At present, it is estimated that completion of the sign will be approximately in late April. The position of the sign has already been agreed with Daintry Hall Management Committee and members of the PC will install the sign. Councillor Williams has spoken with the CEC conservation officer in respect of possible listed building consent issues but as the sign will not be attached to Daintry Hall, it has been accepted that the sign should not require planning approval. In terms of possible highway issues, Councillor Williams advised that the sign should not obscure the view of drivers on the highway. It was suggested that The PC could host an unveiling ceremony of the sign to possibly coincide with the Coronation ceremony of King Charles lll.
Village Name signs – a new CEC highways officer, Matt Rodway, has become involved with the village name signs and unfortunately, had not followed through with the decisions which had previously been agreed between Councillor Williams and John Denwood, Highways Officer. Councillor Williams has rectified this matter.
At present, it is the parish council’s understanding that CEC funding will cover the cost of four of the signs (signs to include the village logo). The highways department will also provide the pricing for the further required three signs. One of the signs on Shellow Lane will back onto the existing Gawsworth village sign. It is hoped that the signs might be erected by March 2023. Councillor Smetham reported that in terms of the proposed Ward Councillor ‘Top Up’ Services Scheme for highway improvements – no-one has approached her for any contribution towards the financing of the village signs or highway signs at present. The financial year ends at the end of March and she hoped that the money could be rolled over to the next financial year if it is not used this year. However, this point remains uncertain.
- Drainage
CEC highways repair team had worked for one week on Bank Lane near to Bank Farm to try to resolve the severe road flooding issue. However, it seems that the work might not have resolved the problem and that additional work is required due to the drain gully / grid collapsing.
Problems of severe flooding are continuing to be caused on Bramhall Hill.
The road drain jetting vehicle has jetted road gullies on Church Lane but failed to include the jetting of Manor Park Road gullies.
A number of water leaks on Church Lane are continuing including a leak from the wall below the Church. This has been traced back to be emanating from the Daintry Hall kitchen. There is another leak further down Church Lane – opposite to Astbury Cottage. Councillor Williams has reported all these matters again to John Denwood, Highways Officer as being drainage issues which require attention. Councillor Williams is of the opinion that the drains might have collapsed between the road gullies and that the increase in road traffic could be contributing to the problems. A further significant flood has recently occurred on the corner / junction of Bramhall Hill and Bank Lane. This needs to be monitored again when heavy rain next falls. Concerns were raised as regards the leaks and flooding being dangerous during icy conditions.
- Finance
- Current Bank Balance – following the sum of £2604.00 being paid out (as previously approved by Councillors – being 50% of the cost of the historic sign), the Clerk advised that the bank balance for the Parish Council account is currently £10,837.60.
- Update on Expenditure – Other outstanding expenditure to be made prior to the end of the financial year includes £1000 clerk’s honorarium, £60 for the hire of the Church for winter-held PC meetings, stationery /printer ink /paper – (approximately £30), cost of any training courses and the cost of the previously approved cherry tree(s) (Queens Platinum Jublilee) including possible fencing protection. Councillors unanimously approved the above expenditures.
- Financial Regulations – reconciliation of the PC accounts – In line with the PC’s financial regulations, Councillor Brian Evans undertook a check of the parish council accounts on 7th November 2022 to ensure that the PC records are correct and that nothing has fraudulently gone through the Bank account. Brian subsequently submitted a report to Councillors to confirm that the accounts were correct. He has made a recommendation that this reconciliation check should be undertaken every three months. The Chair thanked Brian for doing this review of the PC’s finances.
- Review of the three year spending plan – The spending plan required the PC to keep £3000 as a contingency fund. The Chair advised that it will be necessary to keep some funds back for the payment of village signs. In addition, the PC might need to keep funds for the information commissioners office (ICO) in the event that the PC might wish to hold resident’s details (currently £35).
- To discuss the use of the surplus funds – Following the approved expenditures and the receipt of the parish precept, the Parish Council will be in a better position to determine the available remaining funds. It is estimated that the PC will have a surplus of approximately £7000. It was discussed that the PC really need to consult with the residents of North Rode to ask them how they would wish to see the remaining funds spent – for example – the purchase of defibrillators in the village. Communication with residents remains a problem in the absence of e-mail addresses for each of the residents. At present, the village newsletter is the only form of direct communication, however, it was recognized that not every resident would receive the newsletter as it was sent via e-mail.
- Parish Precept 2023/24 – The PC’s application for Parish Precept is required by 13th January 2023. Councillor Smetham advised that there was no harm in asking for a little more each year to avoid the possibility of having to request a lot more in the future. Following considerations, Councillors unanimously agreed that, as historically, the PC normally underspent – that the precept should remain as last year at £2255. Clerk to request the parish precept payment from CEC.
- Post Jubilee celebration update – planting of cherry trees
Councillor Hughes, Chair reported that she has been trying to locate possible locations for the planting of trees but has encountered difficulties due to being unaware of who owns each piece of land. The Chair also highlighted the practical difficulties that once planted, the trees may need regular watering and that they may also require the construction of a protection frame around the tree(s) to protect them from damage made by cattle/sheep. The Chair therefore suggested that due to the difficulties involved, perhaps the PC should plant just one cherry tree instead of seven – and mark it with a plaque and perhaps also have a bench in the location – in North Rode Park as per Mr Pollock’s suggested position. Councillor Hughes will speak with Mr Malcolm Kidd to see if he will permit the tree to be planted on the Park land. It was noted that protection from cattle/sheep would be required in that location.
Councillor Evans suggested that the PC could perhaps look at the land in the ownership of Daintry Hall to see if there might be anywhere that a cherry tree could be located on ‘village’ land.
- Coronation of King Charles III
The Coronation is on Saturday 6th May 2023. Monday 8th May is a Bank Holiday. It was discussed that it would be good to have a village celebration. The Chair asked Councillors whether they wished her to send communications to other relevant persons in the village such as the Church and others on the Queen’s Jubilee celebration committees. It was suggested that a village picnic in the field at Daintry Hall on Sunday 7th May could be a popular celebratory event. Councillors considered that it would be a good opportunity to use the Coronation event to unveil the historic village sign as part of the celebrations. Councillor Williams offered to enquire when the sign might be completed in time.
- Training – opportunities and training requirements
- Councillor induction training is still required for Councillor Bayley.
- Code of Conduct training – to be attended by the Chair – date to be confirmed due to the postponement of the course.
- Cheshire East Network – This is a newly created network for town and parish councils to meet and to be advised of any current issues and to provide an opportunity for discussion. Chair, Councillor Hughes attended the first session which was held on 30th November 2022. The Chair reported that Sam Cocuran Leader of CEC, had advised that winter will be dire due to the current inflation problems. CEC has a deficit of £11.6 million and the Council is struggling to meet their current commitments particularly to social care, the NHS and care of refugees. Climate change was also causing problems.
A ‘warm places’ poster had been provided at the meeting. The Chair advised that we all need to look out for neighbours who might be struggling with heating their homes.
It is intended that meetings will be held on a regular basis – the next one being scheduled for 11th January 2023.
- Parish Communications
- Communications received
- concerns had been expressed to the PC re the removal of trees at Saw Pit Wood (under point 6 above).
- a resident had raised the point that a significant pothole had been created near to the railway bridge at Shellow Lane and that white lines on the highway in that locality had severely faded. Councillor Williams had responded to both issues on behalf of the PC.
- Communication with the village residents was discussed . At present the PC relies on Mrs Sue Bullocks own e-mail contacts list. Councillor Evans Brian asked how many people received the newsletter as they are presumably willing to receive communication. Councillor Hughes advised that she had viewed Mrs Bullock’s contacts list and found that only a few households in the village don’t receive the newsletter. The Chair made the point that if the PC held it’s own list of contacts, then it would have to register the PC with the Information Commissioners Office for which a cost will be involved. Councillor Williams mentioned face book as another means of possible communication. Councillor Bailey had already set up a face book page some years ago. However, it was discussed that a facebook system would need regularly updating by one person or a group of people. It was agreed that the PC’s own web site should be kept up to date. Councillor Smetham suggested a whatsapp group as this is successfully used by other parish councils. It was agreed that Communication should be discussed further at the next meeting
- Parish Council Elections – to be held on 4th May 2023
It was discussed that all Councillors would stand down and have to go through a re-election process if they wish to become Parish Councillors. All Councillors present at the meeting stated that they would wish to stand at the next elections.
Any Other Business – Defibrillator
Councillor Brian Evans raised the point that he had contacted the CEC Conservation Officer in respect of using Daintry Hall as a possible location for a defibrillator – as the hall is a listed building. The Conservation Officer stated that a defibrillator could not be attached to the actual building. It may therefore require a post or a frame to be installed on which to mount a defibrillator. It also seems that a defibrillator might require planning approval. Councillor Evans will continue to make enquiries, obtain advice and also obtain costings. It was discussed that the PC could hopefully fund one defibrillator and then possibly raise funds to install a second one at the other side of the village.
- Dates of the next meetings
The proposed dates of the next two meetings are Thursday 2nd March 2023 and Thursday 11th May 2023 to include the AGM and the Parish Meeting
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions to the meeting and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
Clerk to submit Parish Precept application
Clerk to write to planning enforcement requesting an update on enforcement action re land behind Daintry Hall & the new entrance to land on Church Lane
Clerk to contact the Elections Team at CEC regarding using Daintry Hall as a polling station
Chair to prepare a letter to Councillor John Narraway and bring it to the next meeting
Chair to consult Daintry Hall Management Committee re having occasional use of Daintry Hall for PC meetings
Chair to communicate with the PCC / previous celebration committee regarding a village event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III
Councillor Brian Evans to obtain further information on defibrillators
Councillor Huw Williams to continue with the village signs, highway signs and road drainage issues
Chair to approach Mr Malcolm Kidd for permission to plant of one cherry tree in North Rode Park.
Chair to obtain information regarding a Neighbourhood Plan for North Rode.
Clerk to pursue NatWest Bank regarding the signatories for the PC account
Communication with residents of the parish to be included on the next agenda