Agenda – Meeting of North Rode Parish Council – 22nd August 2024

Daintry Hall, North Rode

on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 7:30pm


Please note, that unless objections are received at the start of the meeting, it is intended to make a voice recording of the meeting in line with the recording of meetings policy.

  1. Welcome from the Chairman – Councillor Huw Williams
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Public Participation
  4. Declarations of Interest
  5. Approval of the minutes of the two previous North Rode Parish Council Meetings –held on Thursday 16th May 2024 (AGM) and an Extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday 3rd July 2024

6. Highway Issues

a) Traffic & HGV’s on Church Lane / Bank Lane – new road signage to Buxton on Link Road – next steps?

b) Flooding & drainage – Bank Lane, Bramhall Hill & Church Lane – what is being done by CEC?

c) Gritting –Additional grit bin at the Park Road area of the village and request for inclusion on CEC’s gritting route

7. Planning Applications

a) To discuss CEC application number 24/2680C for Bank Farm, Bank Lane, North Rode – Prior approval for the change of use to erect a temporary tipi structure on existing farm land for five months of the year.

 b) Updates on planning application numbers 24/2048C (Full Planning)  for the creation of a timber pavilion, pickleball court and car parking and improvements to Daintry Hall – and 24/2049C (Listed Building Consent) at Daintry Hall.  

8. Planning Enforcement

a) Tinker Bells Hollow, Bramhall Hill Lane  

b) 22/00120E Creation of entrance to field on Church Lane above Rode Hall Farm 

9. Finance

9.1 Current balance of parish council account as at 22nd August 2024  

9.2 D Day Celebrations 6th June 2024 – confirmation that donations of £81 each have been made to five war time charities  

9.3 Outstanding costs –  Hire of Daintry Hall for PC Meetings held in May, July and August 2024 – £30 per meeting

9.4 Change of parish council bank account to an online banking account – update

10.       Parish Council laptop – update   

11.      Neighbourhood Plan

12.     NRPC Event for 2025

13.    Communication received by the Parish Council:-

13.1 Invitation to join Cheshire SLCC Branch Conference meeting on 26th September 2024 – cost £45 per delegate

13.2 CEC – consultation on the future of Libraries

14.    Litter picking event

 15.    Discussion re  a possible Historical board for North Rode?’

 16.    Discussion re the Parish Notice Board – possible revamp? – paint and re-letter

  Dates of next two meetings  – Thursday 21st November ; January tbc


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