Minutes of North Rode Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting – 3rd July 2024

Minutes of North Rode Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting
held on Wednesday 3rd July 2024
at Daintry Hall, North Rode at 7.30pm

Present : Councillor Georgina Bailey, Vice-Chairman
Councillor Jacqui Lea
Councillor Alastair Bayley
Councillor Richard Edwards
Brenda Lomas – Clerk
Members of the Public : Mr Tony Hayes & Mr Mark Bullock, both members of Daintry Hall Management Committee (DHMC)

  1. Welcome by the Vice-Chairman
    In the absence of the Chairman (who was away on holiday) Councillor Georgina Bailey chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone.
  2. Apologies for absence
    Councillor Huw Williams, Chairman
    Councillor Jon Burwood
    Councillor Brian Evans
    Cheshire East Ward Councillor Lesley Smetham
  3. Public Participation
    Tony Hayes advised that he and Mark Bullock were happy to answer any queries or questions in relation to the planning application for Daintry Hall which was to be discussed at the meeting. Tony had brought a copy of the plans to the meeting and explained that slight changes to the proposal had been made since the public presentation of the plan – including the introduction of a pickleball court / outdoor leisure area, creation of a small office on the upstairs floor of Daintry Hall with an external access and the installation of two electric vehicle charging points.
  4. Declarations of Interest
    None were made
  5. Planning Applications

To discuss – Cheshire East Council planning application numbers 24/2048C and 24/2049C (Listed Building Consent) relating to Daintry Hall, Church Lane, North Rode, Congleton, CW12 2PE. The proposals are :-
Alterations and extension to the existing Grade II Listed Hall;
i) to replace kitchen and welfare facilities; to provide larger hall space, entrance lobby and 1st floor management office and
ii) the construction of an independent single storey pavilion with kitchen and welfare facilities, external picnic area and pickleball court / events and activities area – designed in a contemporary style using natural materials and extensive use of renewable energy.
Councillors discussed that the proposal was thoroughly researched and that the application itself was very detailed. DHMC had engaged with the community of North Rode in presenting the proposed scheme some months prior to the submission of the planning application and had listened to comments and suggestions. The DHMC had also considered the proposed alterations alongside the operational requirements of Daintry Hall Nursery as it was financially important to keep the Nursery on site. Arrangements, to allow for the Nursery to continue to operate during construction works had also been considered. The DHMC had also engaged with the Council’s Conservation Officer in terms of the listed building status.
All Councillors present at the meeting were fully supportive of the application – as were Councillors Burwood and Evans who had sent e-mails to the Clerk ahead of the meeting to advise of their support. It was resolved that the Clerk informs Cheshire East Council of the Parish Council’s decision to support both applications.

  1. Finance – to discuss and approve the final costs associated with :-
    a) the village DDay80 celebrations held on 6th June 2024
    b) the relocation, renovation and repairs to the village beacon
    The Chairman, Huw Williams, had provided a detailed summary of the final costs of a) & b) above by e-mail – to all Councillors for their consideration prior to the meeting.
    a) The total cost for putting on the DDay 80 village event was £2279.01 which included a proposed £100 donation to St Michaels Church for the use of the Church for the event. It had previously been agreed that the Parish Council would pay for the Wychcraft band at a cost of £450. The printing of tickets, flyers and programmes for the event had cost £108.46. Takings from ticket sales and a donation of £30 came to £1710.00. The total deficit for the event was £569.01. Councillors agreed that it had been a very successful village event which had been well supported by residents of North Rode and that it had been enjoyed by all. Therefore, a cost to the Parish Council of £569.01 was agreed to be acceptable and it was felt that the Parish Council should support more village events in the future.
    b) Due to the poor state of the original beacon and the need to relocate it – the costs of repair, renovation and relocation of the beacon had been higher than originally anticipated – at £1900.49. However, it was agreed that it was of benefit for the village to have it’s own beacon and that following the renovation works – it was now in a robust and safe condition and had been repositioned in the most appropriate location. The beacon should now last for many years to come.
    Councillors present approved all the above costs ( Councillors Burwood and Evans also approved the costs in e-mail communications to the Clerk).
  2. Communication

To discuss a complaint which had been lodged directly to the Chairman of the Parish Council from a resident of Park Road in relation to a party which had been held by a nearby resident and which involved the playing of loud music. Whilst the likely disturbance caused by this event was acknowledged, it was determined that the Parish Council has no powers to address such issues and that the resident should address the complaint to Cheshire East Council’s Environmental Health Service and/or it’s Anti-Social Behaviour team as those Services have the jurisdiction to address such incidents.

The meeting closed at 8pm

Date of next meeting – Thursday 22nd August 2024 – 7.30pm – Daintry Hall

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