North Rode Parish Council
Serving the community of North Rode
Chairmans Report for 129th AGM held on 11th May 2023
It is only right to point out, I was only elected as Chairman on 3rd March 2023 and this term ended on 4th May 2023, the date of the recent council elections. So much of the work undertaken by the council took place under the excellent leadership of Chair Janet Hughes, who stood down on 3rd March.
I think that we have achieved so much over the last year that we can be proud about. But firstly I would like to thank our Parish Clerk – Brenda Lomas, who has done so much to support the parish council, which could not operate efficiently and correctly without all her hard work and guidance.
With the distraction of the Community Governance review behind us in April 2022, we were able to concentrate on working to make our parish a better place for all residents.
During the course of the past year we have responded to a number of consultations on planning applications from CEC, and have communicated to CEC any possible planning infringements we have been made aware of.
Cheshire Police, the Police and Crimes Commissioner and Cheshire East Highways have been actively engaged to address the issue of increased traffic levels and HGV’s passing through North Rode village since the opening of Congleton By-Pass. I have attended meetings with the Police and Crimes Commissioner John Dwyer to voice our concerns and our Clerk and Ward Councillor Lesley Smetham raised our issues at a Congleton By-Pass forum held by the Police last year. As a result of a meeting held in August with Cheshire East Highways, Cheshire Police, the P&CC and Cllr Lesley Smetham, The Police undertook to contact and warn HGV operators identified by villagers as passing through and to carry out active policing operations on certain days. Following a further meeting in October with Cheshire East Highways, they undertook to install Buxton A54 signage from the by-pass and to design and install additional HGV signage on the A54 and A536 at entrances to Bank Lane and Church Lane. Highways also undertook to investigate degrading North Rode Lanes with SATNAV companies. The results of a traffic count provided to and analysed by myself, indicated that the number of cars passing though Bank Lane since the by-pass opened has increased by 50%, and the number of HGV’s approx. 75%. I have communicated to them recently that with 1500 additional houses being built just off the by- pass, this traffic will only increase further. 10 months later we are still waiting on the new signs, despite monthly chase ups!
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, the Parish Council hosted a beacon lighting event on 2nd June at Daintry Hall, We also funded a dance floor, a full swing band and commemorative mugs for all residents of the village. The event was well attended and received by all.

Following the sad passing of our Queen on 8th September, The Parish Council, as the local government representative, were asked to read out a proclamation of our new King Charles III. This was carried out by our Chair Janet Hughes on Sunday 11th September 2022.
Chair Janet Hughes and Councillor John Narraway stepped down as Councillors at our March council meeting, following many years service to our community, for which our gratitude was given. This was followed by the election of myself, Huw Williams as Chairman. At the May 2023 local council elections, we gained a new councillor, Richard Edwards of Park Rd and we extend a warm welcome to Richard. This still leaves us with one councillor short of our full council.
New North Rode parish boundary signs were installed by Cheshire East Highways in March 2023, on the A54 Buxton Road and A536 Macclesfield Road. These were funded by Highways and Cllr Lesley Smetham’s ward members budget. Thanks must go to Lesley Smetham for her support with this. Designs and Locations are approved for a further 3 signs on Cocksmoss Lane, Shellow Lane and Bullgate Lane. Funding is not yet in place for these, which will cost approximately £4,000.
In April 2022 we finally installed a defibrillator in the village at Daintry Hall. This was made possible with the kind donation of defibrillator unit by Steve Purdham’s company – Westfield Health. Daintry Hall management committee agreed to the installation, provided a power supply and assisted with installation. The parish council purchased a heated cabinet and the mounting post and arranged for the guardianship and training through a local first responder, John Miller, which has also registered the unit with the Circuit and the local ambulance authority. The parish council has also produced special North Rode keyrings, which show the cabinet keycode, for issue to all villagers.

To Commemorate the Coronation of our King on 6th May, the parish council commissioned and installed a new Village Centre Sign. This was unveiled by Shirley Tudor-Evans at a Coronation Picnic Party arranged by the parish council at St Michaels Church on Monday 8th May. It was attended by many villagers despite the rain, with a picnic in the pews to music, surrounded by flowers, bunting and flags. In addition, 3 flowering cherry tree’s were been planted in the park to commemorate our late Queen. These were supplied by the parish council and the planting and protection provided by Malcolm and Sheila Kidd.

Finally, we have fixed and updated our parish council website, and this is in the process of being populated with information and now includes a News section, which can be used to post details and pictures of events.

Much has been achieved over the last year, However, I think there is still so much more we can do to improve life in our village. Actions I think we, the Parish Council, should be undertaking are given below and I would urge all councillors to consider how they can step forward to actively help achieve these.
- Bank account signatories need to updated to ensure smooth financial operation and reflect changes in Councillors and roles.
- New councillors and changes in roles will require additional training
- We must continue to press Cheshire East Highways on HGV signage, faced white lines, drainage issues, SATNAV routing and to address overall traffic issues in the village resulting from the opening of the Congleton by-Pass
- Continue to press Police to enforce and warn HGV operators using our lanes
- Install remaining 3No Parish Boundary signs – look at funding
- Organise village first aid training for defibrillator – Currently 30+ are interested
- Get a second defibrillator for the East side of the Village – fundraising if necessary
- Consider purchasing Commemorative Coronation mugs for the village?
- Populate new Website and keep up to date with events – perhaps a Facebook Page?
- Create a contact email list to actively distribute information
- Paint the faded fingerpost at Cocksmoss Lane Junction
- Renovate the old spring on Church Lane – how about a well dressing!
- Organise Litter picking events around the village and target hot spots.
- Work with the PCC and Daintry Hall management committee to facilitate a village function room/area – as evidenced by the success of the recent Coronation Picnic.
- Organise at least one village get together event each year – an annual picnic?
- Improved Comms between councillors – informal zoom meetings, PC whatsapp group.
- Investigate worth of producing Neighbourhood plan for North Rode?
Chairman Huw Williams North Rode Parish Council 11th May 2023